Two tips for those who want to keep their newly decorated home in excellent condition

If you have just redecorated your home and want to ensure that it remains in pristine condition for as long as possible, you may want to keep the following tips in mind.

Keep stain removal products and tools on hand at all times

Stains on your floors, walls, cabinets and countertops will spoil the appearance of these areas and make your freshly decorated home look dirty and dilapidated.

Whilst it is not possible to completely avoid creating stains (particularly if there are children or pets residing in your home), you can prevent the inevitable stains that appear in your property from permanently ruining the decor if you act quickly when you discover these marks.

The reason for this is as follows; stains that are left untreated for more than a few days are usually much harder to remove than those which are dealt with within a few hours of being created. This is because the substance that caused the stain (i.e. the wine, chocolate, ink, etc.) will bind with the materials that it lands on (i.e. the carpet, wall plaster or wooden cabinet) and in doing so, will leave a mark that cannot be easily wiped away.

If you do not have the stain removal products and equipment you need to deal with a particular stain on hand, it is far more likely that it will end up permanently spoiling your newly decorated walls or floors.

Conversely, if you have, for example, a handheld steamer (to loosen recently dried-on food and dirt from surfaces), as well as salt (to soak up any wine you spill on your carpets), talcum powder (to absorb oil-based substances) and isopropyl alcohol (to remove ink stains), you should be able to quickly remove any stains that form in your home before they 'set', and thus prevent them from negatively affecting the appearance of your new decor.

Be quick to repair any water leaks

Few things will destroy your freshly decorated property faster than a water leak.

If, for example, a hole forms in your roof or in one of your home's water pipes, and you ignore this leak for a while, it could damage your new wall and ceiling plaster (as moisture can make plaster crumble and result in unsightly mildew and mould growing on top of it) or even cause any new wooden flooring in your home to rot.

Furthermore, an unfixed leak could also eventually create a damp problem in your home that may result in condensation on your walls (which may then lead to problems like watermarks on the wallpaper or the paper itself peeling away from the wall).

Given this, if you want your new decor to remain in good condition, it is important to repair any leaks you discover as fast as possible.
