5 Things You Need to Consider Before Purchasing a Commercial Fryer

A commercial fryer is an excellent addition to any food business. Not only does it allow you to fry foods quickly and easily, but it also creates space in your kitchen and stove for other equipment. However, as with any major purchase, there are things you need to consider before you purchase a commercial fryer. Here are five of the most important factors.


You also need to consider how much space is available in your kitchen. Do you have room for a countertop fryer, or do you need something that can be stored away when not in use? If you have limited space, consider an electric deep fryer. These fryers are compact and can be stored away easily when not in use.


Of course, you also need to think about the price and the size of your budget. Additionally, think about the cost of running the fryer. Electric deep fryers tend to be more expensive to operate than gas models, so keep that in mind when making your decision.


How many people do you plan on serving? That will determine the size of the fryer you need. A small countertop model may be fine if you're only cooking for a few people at a time, but if you're expecting large crowds, you'll need a larger model that can accommodate more food. Additionally, some models come with built-in baskets that make it easy to cook multiple items at once. If you are going to be doing a lot of frying, this is a feature you'll definitely want.

Type of Food

What type of food do you plan on frying? If you're only going to be frying chicken or fish, pretty much any type of fryer will work. However, if you plan on frying cheese or doughy foods like doughnuts or mozzarella sticks, you'll need an oil-free fryer. These types of fryers use heated air instead of oil, so they're perfect for delicate items that could be damaged by oil.

Ease of Use

Finally, think about how easy the fryer is to use. Some models come with features that make them easier to use, such as automatic timers and temperature controls. If ease of use is important to you, look for a model that has these features.


There's a lot to think about before purchasing a commercial fryer. But if you take the time to consider all your options carefully, you'll end up with a fryer that's perfect for your needs. For more info, contact a company that supplies commercial fryers. For more information on commercial fryers, contact a professional near you.
