3 Reasons to Install an Insulated Roof on Your New Patio

When you have a custom patio built, you get more choice over its final design and materials. This helps you create a patio area that looks good, that meets your outdoor living needs and that is built to last. The roof is one of the most important parts of your new patio, so it's important to choose the right one. While a regular roof does a job, installing one made from specially insulated materials has some advantages. What are they?

1. Thermal Benefits

If you add insulation to a patio roof, then you get better control over climate conditions inside your patio. The insulation in the roof helps you manage heat and cold in the area. An uninsulated roof doesn't do this as effectively. When the sun beats down on the roof, it heats up. This can make your patio uncomfortably hot. There may even be times when it's too hot to sit in.

On the other hand, an uninsulated roof may get cold in winter. This cold will transfer into your patio, making it too cold for comfort. An insulated roof helps keep your patio at a more even temperature. The insulation helps prevent heat from seeping into the roof and the area below; it keeps the roof warmer when the weather is colder. This helps you enjoy your patio even in colder months.

2. Noise Benefits

Uninsulated roofs can be noisy. Heavy rainfall may be amplified by the roof's materials. Even a bird walking over the roof can sound pretty loud. This can make your patio noisy. It's hard to relax in your outdoor area if things are too loud. An insulated patio roof reduces noise. The insulation acts as a barrier that dampens noise on the outside of the roof. This prevents too much noise coming through into your patio.

3. Pest Benefits

If you want to install a patio roof with a peaked ridge design, then you may have problems with pests if the roof isn't insulated. The ridges in the roof may not have anything in them; these tubes may be attractive to pests looking for a new home. Ridged roofs often have insulation injected into the areas under their ridges. This effectively fills these spaces. Pests won't usually be able to get into a roof with this design.

Insulated patio roofs come in different shapes and designs. To learn more about custom built patios, talk to your patio builder.
